
Our World - Plastic Impact Blog - Introduction - Welcome!

Our World - Plastic Impact Blog  An informative blog written by concerned grade 8 students who want to raise awareness about plastic pollution and its impact on the environment. We want to encourage you to make better choices and say no to single-use plastics! Introduction - Welcome Did you know that every year we produce 300 million tonnes of waste that is equal to the weight of the ENTIRE human population. Welcome, our blog is to inform people around the world about what plastic pollution is, and the impact it has on our world. W e will address a number of topics over the next 15 weeks and will provide solutions for a plastic-free world. We will be updating our blog every Friday.   Did you know? - 8 million metric tons of plastic enter our oceans everyday? Introduction - Plastic Pollution When did we start using plastics so often? The first synthetic plastic was used in 1907, which marked the start of the era of plastic. But we only started to produce p